Victorian Christmas Stories – Lena Heide-Brennand

Victorian Christmas Stories

Step into the enchanting world of yesteryears with our lecture on ‘Victorian Christmas Stories’. Journey back to the heartwarming Christmases of the Victorian era, where families gathered around the hearth, sharing tales that spanned from ancient Yule times in Scandinavia to contemporary narratives of Christmas magic. This lecture, enriched with a collection of peculiar, slightly eerie, yet traditional and original Victorian Christmas card illustrations, promises to transport you to a time imbued with the nostalgic vibes of Christmas. Don’t miss this opportunity to relive the charm and warmth of a Victorian Christmas.


Lena Schattenherz Heide-Brennand is a Norwegian lecturer with a master degree in language, culture and literature from the University of Oslo and Linnaeus University. She has been lecturing and teaching various subjects since 1998. Her field of interest and main focus has always been topics that others have considered strange, eccentric and eerie, and she has specialised in a variety of dark subjects linked to folklore, mythology and Victorian traditions and medicine. Her students often point out her thorough knowledge about the subjects she is teaching, in addition to her charismatic appearance. She refers to herself as a performance lecturer and always gives her audience an outstanding experience

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Echoes from the Asylum: A Journey through the Mental Institutions of the 18th and 19th Century Europe – Lena Heide-Brennand

Echoes from the Asylum: A Journey through the Mental Institutions of the 18th and 19th Century Europe

The massive buildings, the numerous mental asylums from the past still fascinate visitors and historians today. What was life like inside the walls of these closed institutions? What was it like to work there? To live there? This lecture travels back in time into the haunting shadows of the history of the mental asylums. Experience the chilling tales of those who were locked away, their voices silenced, their lives forever altered by the experimental treatments of their time. Uncover the harrowing stories of the inmates, their struggles, their resilience, and their unspoken hopes. Explore the evolution of mental health treatments, from the crude and often cruel methods of the past to the dawn of understanding and compassion. This lecture is not just a chronicle of history, but a tribute to the human spirit’s indomitable will to survive and never give up on the hope of freedom. Join us, as we unlock the forgotten stories etched in the cold stone walls of the asylums, resonating with the echoes of the past.


Lena Schattenherz Heide-Brennand is a Norwegian lecturer with a master degree in language, culture and literature from the University of Oslo and Linnaeus University. She has been lecturing and teaching various subjects since 1998. Her field of interest and main focus has always been topics that others have considered strange, eccentric and eerie, and she has specialised in a variety of dark subjects linked to folklore, mythology and Victorian traditions and medicine. Her students often point out her thorough knowledge about the subjects she is teaching, in addition to her charismatic appearance. She refers to herself as a performance lecturer and always gives her audience an outstanding experience

don’t worry if you miss it – we will send you a recording valid for two weeks the next day

From Dutch Courage To Trendy Cocktail – The History Of Gin – Lena Heide-Brennand

From Dutch Courage To Trendy Cocktail – The History Of Gin

Ever been fascinated by the popularity of certain drinks and alcoholic beverages consumed daily in bars all over the world? Did the Gin Tonic recipe come into being by accident or was it a more thorough thought behind this popular cocktail? What about the juniper itself? How did this natural flavour become so widely appreciated by heavy drinkers and feinschmeckers alike? Welcome to an evening where we explore the fascinating history of Gin!  Embark on a spirited journey with our online lecture, “’Gin: From Dutch Courage to Trendy Cocktail. Traverse the intoxicating history of gin, from its humble beginnings as a medicinal tonic in the Netherlands, known as ‘Dutch Courage’, to its meteoric rise as a fashionable drink in high streets around the world. Discover how this juniper-infused spirit has stirred societies, influenced cultures, and evolved through the ages. Whether you’re a gin connoisseur or a history enthusiast, this lecture promises to be a heady mix of knowledge and fun. Join us, and let’s toast to the fascinating world of gin!”


Lena Schattenherz Heide-Brennand is a Norwegian lecturer with a master degree in language, culture and literature from the University of Oslo and Linnaeus University. She has been lecturing and teaching various subjects since 1998. Her field of interest and main focus has always been topics that others have considered strange, eccentric and eerie, and she has specialised in a variety of dark subjects linked to folklore, mythology and Victorian traditions and medicine. Her students often point out her thorough knowledge about the subjects she is teaching, in addition to her charismatic appearance. She refers to herself as a performance lecturer and always gives her audience an outstanding experience

don’t worry if you miss it – we will send you a recording valid for two weeks the next day

Victorian Ghost Stories – Lena Heide-Brennand

Victorian Ghost Stories

Step into the shadows of the 19th century, an era of occultism and gothic intrigue, with our online lecture on Victorian Ghost Stories. Unearth forgotten tales that surpass the horror of contemporary ghost stories in their eerie allure. These stories, with their dark themes and psychological realism, are representative of the Victorian era’s fascination with the supernatural and the macabre.  The narratives, once lost in the dusty pages of antiquity, have been resurrected to chill your spine and captivate your imagination. Discover why the Victorian era, with its strange customs and mystic beliefs, crafted ghost stories that remain unparalleled in their ability to haunt the reader. Join us as we traverse the spectral landscapes of the past, where every creaking floorboard and flickering candle tells a tale of suspense and terror.


Lena Schattenherz Heide-Brennand is a Norwegian lecturer with a master degree in language, culture and literature from the University of Oslo and Linnaeus University. She has been lecturing and teaching various subjects since 1998. Her field of interest and main focus has always been topics that others have considered strange, eccentric and eerie, and she has specialised in a variety of dark subjects linked to folklore, mythology and Victorian traditions and medicine. Her students often point out her thorough knowledge about the subjects she is teaching, in addition to her charismatic appearance. She refers to herself as a performance lecturer and always gives her audience an outstanding experience

don’t worry if you miss it – we will send you a recording valid for two weeks the next day

19th Century Children’s Stories and Songs – Lena Heide-Brennand

19th Century Children’s Stories and Songs 

Welcome to an extraordinary exploration through the enchanting treasure of European folklore in this upcoming Zoom lecture. Within this virtual session, participants will unravel a treasure trove of forgotten stories and songs tailored for children, meticulously unearthed by the lecturer from dusty tomes and ancient manuscripts. These timeless narratives and lullabies, once passed down from one generation to the next, emerge to once again enchant our modern hearts and minds.

Focusing on European and Scandinavian lore, this collection stitches together wonders that delve into the rich fabrics of these cultures. Delight in the captivating illustrations that breathe life into these tales, evoking a sense of magic and nostalgia. While exploring the tales from these regions, we also traverse the landscapes of Slavic and East European stories, incorporating a diverse array of cultural flavours to the lecture. Prepare to be entranced by the echoes of centuries past as this lecture revives the melodies and legends that have long enchanted children and adults alike, inviting participants to immerse themselves in a world where imagination knows no bounds and the spirits of folklore dance beyond the flicker of the screen.


Lena Schattenherz Heide-Brennand is a Norwegian lecturer with a master degree in language, culture and literature from the University of Oslo and Linnaeus University. She has been lecturing and teaching various subjects since 1998. Her field of interest and main focus has always been topics that others have considered strange, eccentric and eerie, and she has specialised in a variety of dark subjects linked to folklore, mythology and Victorian traditions and medicine. Her students often point out her thorough knowledge about the subjects she is teaching, in addition to her charismatic appearance. She refers to herself as a performance lecturer and always gives her audience an outstanding experience

don’t worry if you miss it – we will send you a recording valid for two weeks the next day

Malleus Maleficarum (1486) – the Medieval Witch Hunter Bestseller – Lena Heide-Brennand

Malleus Maleficarum (1486) – the Medieval Witch Hunter Bestseller

Explore a chilling odyssey into the dark heart of the Middle Ages with a compelling lecture on the infamous “Malleus Maleficarum,” from 1486. The Malleus Maleficarum, commonly known as the Hammer of Witches, stands as the most renowned treatise on witchcraft. Penned by the German Catholic clergyman Heinrich Kramer, or Henricus Institor, it initially emerged in Speyer, Germany in 1486. Regarded as a significant demonological work of the 15th century, Kramer blamed women for his own desires, presenting his personal opinions as the stance of the Church. Although condemned by prominent theologians of the Inquisition at the Faculty of Cologne for advocating unethical and unlawful practices, and contradicting Catholic demonological doctrines, the Malleus treated sorcery as heresy, urging secular courts to prosecute it accordingly. Advocating torture for eliciting confessions and endorsing death as the sole means to eradicate the “evils of witchcraft,” the Malleus proposed burning “witches” at the stake, akin to the fate of heretics during that era. Despite ecclesiastical censure, the Malleus found favor among laypeople, enjoying a period of popularity. Join us as we decipher the arcane secrets hidden within this terrifying tome, delving into the twisted minds of its contributors to understand the methods, beliefs, and atrocities endorsed within its pages. Brace yourself to confront the malevolent specter of witch hunts and superstition that gripped the past, shedding light on a dark chapter that continues to haunt our collective memory.


Lena Schattenherz Heide-Brennand is a Norwegian lecturer with a master degree in language, culture and literature from the University of Oslo and Linnaeus University. She has been lecturing and teaching various subjects since 1998. Her field of interest and main focus has always been topics that others have considered strange, eccentric and eerie, and she has specialised in a variety of dark subjects linked to folklore, mythology and Victorian traditions and medicine. Her students often point out her thorough knowledge about the subjects she is teaching, in addition to her charismatic appearance. She refers to herself as a performance lecturer and always gives her audience an outstanding experience

don’t worry if you miss it – we will send you a recording valid for two weeks the next day

The Black Death and how it ruled the world – Lena Heide-Brennand

The black death and how it ruled the world

Did you know that there are documents from the time of the Black Death that depicts and describes the despair of the time the Yersinia Pestis was the ruler of the world? Have you ever wondered what the medical advice were like in a time where news travelled slow and contamination fast? In this lecture we dive into the haunting history of the Black Death and explore how this devastating plague swept across the world, leaving a trail of death and despair in its wake. Uncover the grim reality of the 14th and 15th centuries through a lens of preserved documents, witnessing firsthand accounts of a world consumed by fear and loss. Join us as we delve into the annals of history to understand how the Black Death reshaped societies, challenged beliefs, and ushered in an era of unparalleled darkness. Explore how the preserved documents paint a vivid picture of a world in turmoil, offering invaluable insights into the human experience amidst the grip of a merciless pandemic.


Lena Schattenherz Heide-Brennand is a Norwegian lecturer with a master degree in language, culture and literature from the University of Oslo and Linnaeus University. She has been lecturing and teaching various subjects since 1998. Her field of interest and main focus has always been topics that others have considered strange, eccentric and eerie, and she has specialised in a variety of dark subjects linked to folklore, mythology and Victorian traditions and medicine. Her students often point out her thorough knowledge about the subjects she is teaching, in addition to her charismatic appearance. She refers to herself as a performance lecturer and always gives her audience an outstanding experience

don’t worry if you miss it – we will send you a recording valid for two weeks the next day

Franz Kafka and his view on life – Lena Heide-Brennand

Franz Kafka and his view on life

Step into the surreal world of Franz Kafka through a thought-provoking lecture that illuminates the cryptic writer’s unique perspectives on life. Explore the intricate web of existential themes, absurdity, and alienation woven throughout his works as we delve into Kafka’s introspective gaze. Discover how Kafka’s vision challenges conventional notions of reality and identity, offering a profound exploration of the human experience. This is a lecture that aims to wake an engaging exploration of Kafka’s perspective on life, where the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary, and the familiar becomes a window into the depths of the self and society.


Lena Schattenherz Heide-Brennand is a Norwegian lecturer with a master degree in language, culture and literature from the University of Oslo and Linnaeus University. She has been lecturing and teaching various subjects since 1998. Her field of interest and main focus has always been topics that others have considered strange, eccentric and eerie, and she has specialised in a variety of dark subjects linked to folklore, mythology and Victorian traditions and medicine. Her students often point out her thorough knowledge about the subjects she is teaching, in addition to her charismatic appearance. She refers to herself as a performance lecturer and always gives her audience an outstanding experience

don’t worry if you miss it – we will send you a recording valid for two weeks the next day

An essential guide to Viking culture and traditions – Lena Heide-Brennand

An essential guide to viking culture and traditions

Vikings are more popular than ever before thanks to the numerous documentaries and tv-series that have popped up on various streaming platforms over the past decade. Us viewers often wonder what is historically accurate and what is completely made-up to make good television in series and movies about the fierce warriors and tradesmen from the North. In this lecture we will step into the captivating world of the Vikings and delve into their rich culture and enduring traditions. Fancy a digital journey back in time to explore the legendary tales, customs, and beliefs that defined these seafaring warriors? Ready to reveal what is made-up and what is true? From their mastery of shipbuilding to their intricate societal structures and awe-inspiring sagas, discover the complexities of Viking life that continue to intrigue and inspire us today. Gain a deeper understanding of the enduring legacy of the Vikings and the indelible mark they left on history in this exploration of their culture and traditions.


Lena Schattenherz Heide-Brennand is a Norwegian lecturer with a master degree in language, culture and literature from the University of Oslo and Linnaeus University. She has been lecturing and teaching various subjects since 1998. Her field of interest and main focus has always been topics that others have considered strange, eccentric and eerie, and she has specialised in a variety of dark subjects linked to folklore, mythology and Victorian traditions and medicine. Her students often point out her thorough knowledge about the subjects she is teaching, in addition to her charismatic appearance. She refers to herself as a performance lecturer and always gives her audience an outstanding experience

don’t worry if you miss it – we will send you a recording valid for two weeks the next day

Trolls in Scandinavian 1800’s Art – Lena Heide-Brennand

Trolls in scandinavian 1800’s art

Are you ready for a spellbinding voyage through the romantic landscapes of the 18th and 19th-century Scandinavian art as we focus on the mesmerizing presence of trolls in 18th and 19th century art. Join us for a lecture that intertwines artistic mastery with mythical folklore, shedding light on the rich and intriguing portrayals of these legendary beings. Witness how artists of the era breathed life into the different types of trolls, adding depth and mystery to their vivid representations on canvas. We will take a closer look at the artwork of John Bauer, Erik Werenskiold, Theodor Kittelsen and Louis Moe.


Lena Schattenherz Heide-Brennand is a Norwegian lecturer with a master degree in language, culture and literature from the University of Oslo and Linnaeus University. She has been lecturing and teaching various subjects since 1998. Her field of interest and main focus has always been topics that others have considered strange, eccentric and eerie, and she has specialised in a variety of dark subjects linked to folklore, mythology and Victorian traditions and medicine. Her students often point out her thorough knowledge about the subjects she is teaching, in addition to her charismatic appearance. She refers to herself as a performance lecturer and always gives her audience an outstanding experience

don’t worry if you miss it – we will send you a recording valid for two weeks the next day